Tuesday, April 1, 2014

“Not so French Toast”:- named it so due to the extra ingredients and no milk used in a French toast. But still tastes as good as one! Lovely to eat it as it is or stuffed with some greens in it….A yummy breakfast in a Jiffy!!!
U need -
2 Slices of brown bread
1 tspn – honey
1 tspn – chilly flakes
1 small onion – finely chopped
Black pepper powder – a pinch
Egg – 1 nos
Salt to taste
Oregano – 1 tspn or mixed herbs
1 pinch turmeric
Fresh Coriander – Finely chopped

Method – flatten the bread slices with a rolling pin and toast it lightly on a pan without butter or oil. Break egg in a bowl and mix all the remaining ingredients and whisk briskly until a bit fluffy. Heat a pan and grease it with oil or butter .Now take one bread slice and spread the mixture to one side with the help of a spoon. Immediately put it on the pan and pour some more mixture on the other side of the bread. Fry nicely till cooked and browned. Repeat the same with the other slice. The brown color is due to honey and gives a yummy flavor to it. One can add more ingredients to it. One egg for 2 slices of bread. Double the quantity per 2 slices if making more.